Gondola (cable car) once inside, wait and listen to the
speaker. when you get to a support
towers, exit. then down.
Town NW of Private Way eat the cake you find on the street.
there is a magic shop here. this is
where most of your questions about
certain objects can be answered ("ask
woman about ...."). buy the rabbit's
foot (see Underground).
Forest the puppet and hellhound are very hard
to kill. use something that is very
good for this (stick of annihalation
or the equivalent). at the boulder,
answer "youth". if you have the minx
(see Village), wait by an oak for the
minx to find the truffle, then put the
truffle in the pool. keep the truffle
in you pack until needed (see Ruins)
or the minx will get it.
Bridge there is no way across or back. take
the umbrella, open it, then jump.
best to use the pterodactyl or the
gating spell to get across to the
Ruins have the vial from the church in the
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