Village for the undead warrior. Have
minx! Also the hourglass from the
magic shop (after you give the jewel
from the Jungle to the woman). go to
the arch, then enter. turn hourglass
over. go south twice and wait. when
the prince is killed, put the truffle
in the trench. then turn the hourglass
and go north until you reach
desolation. wait. let the minx do the
work for you. take/wear the
helmet. go back to the arch, then
Castle here is where the pterodactyl comes
in. fly to the castle (you may have
to find it). use the compass rose to
adjust the winds (see Plains). be sure
you are not on your third turn with
the whistle or you will never leave.
hide behind the bush. take roots and
eat them (strength). wait. open the
statue and take the jar.
Jungle if you are wearing the cloak, take it
off. attack baby hungus. let mother
hungus chase you (wait each turn.
she's kinda slow). go up on the idol.
when the mother hungus gets on the
bottom of the teeter-totter, take the
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