important special functions: {create missions in native settlements} to
counteract Indian anger; {denounce another European's mission} in a
native settlement (which can result in the destruction of that mission),
or {incite Indians to attack} another European power. {Jesuit
Missionaries are particularly effective at these tasks.}
Dragoons are {soldiers mounted on horseback,} the colonial equivalent of
cavalry. Any soldier may be converted into a dragoon if he is given horses.
Dragoons can move farther during a turn, and they fight more effectively.
{Veteran dragoons are more effective in battle than normal mounted
Any colonist can become a scout if he is mounted on {horses.} Scouts
can perform many valuable services to your cause: they {reveal}
unexplored terrain faster, {move farther} in a turn, have better luck
when {exploring Lost City Rumors,} can meet with and {talk to Indian
chiefs,} {infiltrate enemy colonies} to see what's going on, and meet with
enemy mayors in their colonies. {Seasoned scouts are better at all these
tasks than regular colonists working as scouts.}
European regular infantry units are the Crown's regular army troops.
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