щ Seasoned Scout
A Schoolhouse can be upgraded to a college when the population reaches 8.
It functions identically to the schoolhouse, except: {Two specialists may
teach simultaneously, and the following additional skills may be taught.}
щ Master Sugar Planter
щ Master Cotton Planter
щ Master Tobacco Planter
щ Master Distiller
щ Master Weaver
щ Master Tobacconist
щ Master Fur Trader
щ Master Blacksmith
щ Master Gunsmith
щ Veteran Soldier
A college may be upgraded to a university when the {population reaches
10.} It functions like a college, except:
{Three specialists may teach simultaneously, and the following additional
skills may be taught:}
щ Jesuit Missionary
щ Firebrand Preacher
щ Elder Statesman
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