Make sure to investigate the truck to the right. Get the seeds and the
plant formula. Use the glass cutter on the glass panel to the left of
the door and go inside. Sit through the unintelligible speech by Greenthumb,
then use the liquidark grenade to slip free of the plants. Get Stiletto and
go back outside. Pick up the opera notice that is outside the greenhouse.
Heal yourself by going into the liquidark pool.
Ask the records clerk in the Hall of Records about the opera house in
order to open up the opera on the map.
Talk to the prostitute if you want. Go inside and talk with Tophat
and eventually agree to get the lens for her.
Use the noctroglyph to become invisible. Go to the front door of the
observatory and use the seeds and plant formula to crack a entrance hole
in the wall. Save the game (it's easy to end the game here). Go inside
and watch the pattern of the three searchlights moving across the floor.
Walk to the lower right portion of the screen and pick up the screwdriver.
Wait until the timing is right and walk across the screen to the left steps
near the oil can. Get the can and journal from the platform lift, then move
the lift up to the telescope. Use the oil and screwdriver to open the
telescope panel, then get the lens. Move the lift down and save the game.
Walk back to the right and then to the exit doors in between searchlight
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