tray just to the left of your feet, freeing Stiletto. Grab one of the
empty beakers from the wall and leave. Save, in case you run out of
time later (this can be critical with a puzzle later).
Act quickly in order to have time for the puzzle at the end of the maze.
In the corpse room, get some battery acid using the beaker. Go through
the door to the first fan room. Go through the fan into the second fan room.
Get the wheel from the left pile of junk and use the glass to cut a rope
free. Go back into the first fan room and use the rope to swing the weight
through the wall. In the next room, use the acid to dissolve the chain
and create a path to the next door. In the following hanging sphere room,
go the central door (before the wooden segment of the catwalk). Past this
door is a large pipe room. Get the cement rod from the floor and go back
to the catwalk/hanging sphere area. Use the rod to reinforce the catwalk
and then cross the catwalk to the next room. There, use the wheel to cut
off the water supply. Head back through the catwalk room to where you
found the cement rod. Go into the pipe and ahead to the glowing end of
the tunnel. Talk to the victim and offer him the makeup kit. Save the
game so you can have repeated attempts at the puzzle, if necessary.
Align the pegs so that each row has three white, blue, or red pegs in
a row, matching the arrows at the ends of each row.
One working puzzle solution:
Call the pegs in the white, red, and blue rows, 1-3, 4-6, and 7-9,
respectively, and the out-of-door peg 0. The positions look
like this:
1 4
2 5
3 6
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