7 0
One solution (though perhaps not the shortest) is to move in order:
7 2 5 9 6 3 8 5 9 6 3 8 2 5 9 3 6 2 8 4 1 7 0.
Heal yourself in the liquidark pool. Watch the completely gratuitous
nudity, then get transported to Drealmer's realm.
Talk to Drealmer, if you want. Get the bucket of paint near the funhouse.
Go inside the grinning face. Go into the tower there with the demon
and get the lamp on the floor. Go out and into the clown's mouth and
pick up the dentist's pick. Go back outside and use the pick on the
boarded-up funhouse. Go inside and get a spare match. Go back into
the grinning face, then move the screen near the clown. Go through
the screen door into the thorny room. There, use the lamp to incinerate
the corpse. Pick up the egg sack/cross that falls down. Grab a strand
of web from beside where the egg sack fell down. Go back to the demon
and use the egg sack/cross. Grab the diamond and head back to the
screen room/table area. Use the diamond to cut the glass, move the
pepper shaker, and get some pepper. Go back inside the clown mouth
and use the pepper. Get the brush that is coughed up and use it just
outside the clown's mouth on the canvas. Go through the canvas door
to the rook tower and use the web to climb up to the window. Move
the mat to find a key there, then go through the door and talk with
Drealmer and fall.
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