Talk with Ms. Shoto again on the 99th floor. Find out about Whisperman
from her. Go outside the Cygnus Building to the manhole. Grab a spar
from the lamppost base and use it to pry up the manhole. Go into the
manhole. Search the debris in the furnace room; pick up chunks of
broken chairs and put them into the furnace to open up the floor grating.
(The broken chair segments aren't there until you talk with Shoto this
late in the game.) Go through the grate and talk with Whisperman to find
out Flux's location. Go back to the Cygnus elevator and use the journal's
code to head for the roof. Use the meathook to swing across the electric
line to the Sunspire building.
Head up two flights of stairs, getting the broom handle, tape, and rope.
Use the sausage and rope to get rid of the dog, then use the handle, hook
and tape to retrieve the end of the rope and swing across.
Talk with Lumisheer and use the gold token when the quintessence is created.
Finally, watch the inane outtakes during the credits and hope that the
wide-open opportunity for a sequel results in a less sexist game with
better acting in the video clips, more complex puzzles and situations,
less cheesy dialogue, and a hero without such a dorky hairstyle.
Odds and ends:
You can talk with the guard there and also visit the Neon Noose to talk with
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