Knox's bedroom.
12.> Elinor appears and points out the map on the floor-a map of
that maze. What a surprise. Check out the floor with the
checkered section; it's yet another puzzle (getting to be less
of a surprise every time, isn't it?) Well, the object of this
one is to switch the positions of the black and white bishops,
and just as in real chess, they can only move diagonally. Well,
given that the board is arranged as follows:
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
Execute the following moves: E2 to D3, A2 to B3, D3 to B1, B3
to C4, A4 to D1, D1 to E2, B1 to C2, C2 to A4, E4 to C2, C4 to
A2, E2 to C4, C2 to D1, A2 to B1, B1 to E4, C4 to D3, D1 to B3,
B3 to A2, D3 to E2, E3 to D2, A3 to B2, D2 to B4, B2 to C1, A1
to D4, D4 to E3, B4 to C3, C3 to A1, E1 to C3, C1 to A3, E3 to
C1, C3 to D4, A3 to B4, B4 to E1, C1 to D2, D4 to B2, B2 to A3,
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