Click on the following knights in the following order and
you'll reverse the pattern, as you're supposed to:
,C3. That should do it. EEK! Oh fun. Now the shower curtain
disappears and we see Martine in the bubble bath; I like this
girl! Of course, she does die now, sucked under the water. So
much for another guest. Check out the sink; this scene is
AWESOME! You wind up back in the Library again. Well then, I
ask you, what's next? Whose room haven't we visited yet? Head
out of the library, up the steps, turn right, walk to the end of
the hall and enter Hamilton Temple's bedroom.
18.> Examine the cards on the table next to the bed; it's yet
another puzzle. Flip over the cards in order, from Ace to Joker
in each case, and you can ONLY select a card that is either in
the same row or column as the last selected card. Like the coin
puzzle, there are two parts to this one...here they are.
Part I:
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