including a section in which Dutton walks through the closet
door, revealing it as a secret room. Well, guess where you're
going...through the closet door. You wind up in a medium-sized
chapel...hmmm, considering what else has happened in this house,
what can you expect from a chapel? Especially one with a black
altar and blood-red cloth? HMMMMMM....
14.> Well now, you'll see another scene with Dutton and a
gargoyle. Now when you try to go to the altar, you'll note
there's another puzzle in the floor...a pit. When you step on a
stone, it drops partway into the pit, and when you step off it,
it goes all the way in; in other words, you can't go back...so
don't screw this up. The only other rule is that every third
stone you step on must be purple! So here's how you go... From
the starting step, go diagonal right & up (the only one
available), diagonal right & up again, diagonal left & up,
straight up, straight up, diagonal left & up, diagonal right
and up, diagonal right and up, diagonal left & up, diagonal
right and up, diagonal right & down, diagonal right & down,
straight up, diagonal right & down, diagonal right and up. Now
you've got another scene with Dutton and Stauf and the
almost-sacrifice of a baby. After that's over, check out the
organ...nice musician, eh? Now you know where the cover of CD
#1's illustration comes from. Okay, now head over to the
confessional and go through into the laboratory.
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