the top with 1 and proceeding clockwise, do the following moves:
Send #5 to point #8, then #2 to #5, then #7 to #2, then #4 to
#7, then #1 to #4, then #6 to #1, and finally #3 to #6. Then
you get another ghostly scene with the boy, Tad, trying to open
the door. Nope, he's not gonna manage it. Not just YET! Head
back to the Library, wonderful place that it is, and walk over
to the fireplace. There's a secret passage here; go right on
through it, and you'll wind up in the upper hallway. Behind you
is a door, but it's locked right now. Ahead is another door,
which is also locked. Wander around until you find the stairway
and the painting across the hall from the staircase. Click the
chattering teeth icon on the painting. Okay, go ahead, tell me
you don't find what happens decidedly COOL! Keep going down the
hall in the direction you were going when you found it, and open
the door up ahead. You'll be in the Game Room now.
9.> Hamilton Temple appears and has a little scene. For a good
Stephen King joke, click on the balloon. Then go check out the
chess board; it's the "Queen's Dilemna," the object of which is
to position eight queens on the board with none able to capture
any of the others. You've got to understand chess to get this
one. I've shown the necessary placement in the diagram below
("X" indicates place a queen here)
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