temple; this engraving will show you how to open the room at the far
end of the Darosham; the booyats are in there.
Go to the Darosham. Enter the building; at the end of the corridor
you will see a wheel with 4 symbols on it. Shoot at these symbols, in
order, along the temple wall, starting with the fire symbol. Next
the N like symbol, third is the mountain symbol, last is the two half
arrows symbol.
If you succeed the wheel lifts and the fire goes out, you may now
proceed into the second part of the Darosham. Do not lose any time en
route because the air is poisonous there.
On the way past, pick up the gorgor tooth that is on the ground next
to the dead body of a Talan (you will be able to give it to Martigar,
prisoner on Zorkatraz). The booyat is across the stretch of lava. To
get the last booyat, go to Zorkatraz, kill all the soldiers and set
the prisoner free.
To go to Zorkatraz, go to the harbor and ask Zidar, the second
fisherman, to take you there. Listen carefully to what he says to
you, do not get into the boat, dive into the water and swim alongside
the boat until you reach the entrance to Zorkatraz, (beware, do not
stray from the boat because of the sannegtas).
Under water, you will find an entrance leading to the interior of
Zorkatraz. Once inside, take the stairs going up to the platforms. To
move from one platform to another, you have to blow up the boxes and
make yourself a passage to the other end of Zorkatraz.
You will have to face the soldiers based in this military
installation, get the prison key from the soldiers' leader and
release the prisoner. To leave Zorkatraz, sound the horn that is near
the landing stage; Zidar will come and pick you up and take you back
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