When you arrive in town, coming from the Temple World, turn left into
the brewers' quarter. There you will meet a seller of drinks named
Zoss. He asks you to help him lower the price of the water sold by
Go and see Heza who is on the main street with his water cart drawn
by a twфn-ha. To persuade him to lower his prices, you must go and
see three other merchants.
1. Ominel, in the meat merchants' bok.
2. Yagu, in the riss merchants' bok.
3. Zakk, in the craftsmen's bok.
Go and find Ominel; he asks you to find him an oogoobar knife, which
you will be able to find in the forest (the daoka that takes you to
Okaar is in the marshes (Okasankaar).
In the forest, if you have not already done it, go and save the
Shamaz at the sacrificial alter and take the knife. Make the most of
the situation by gathering hotis (red fruit that you find on the
ground), you will need them later.
Bring the knife back to Ominel so that he lowers his prices.
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