to Cyana, but only if there are no soldiers left on Zorkatraz.
In Cyana, Zele will show you where to find daguerachs. You must
return to Oru's island and proceed by jumping from one waterlily to
another until you reach a small island inhabited by gamors. Recover
the daguerachs. Collect more then five, you'll need them later.
In Cyana, you will also meet Zernar who will tell you about Cyana's
lighthouse problems.
So you will have to go to Motazaar to get a large piece of helidium,
go and have it cut in Talanzaar (by Azirad) and then bring it back to
Jumping from platform to platform, you can gain access to the
lighthouse and replace the old crystal with the new one.
If you have eliminated a sufficient number of soldiers, you will be
able to persuade Zernar to stop sankaar production; this will weaken
the soldiers.
When you have Oru's weapon and the ammunition, go back and see Oru
(using Sadar's boat).
The film starts now and you find yourself face to face with the
gorgor. You have to kill it and to do so, you must use both Oru's
weapon and your own. The fumes of the ammo of Oru's weapon
tranquilize the gorgor.
Once the gorgor is dead, you must approach it and cover yourself with
its smell before swimming to the small island where the Mфn is. If
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