ha cheaper then before the delivery. The twфn-ha you want is located
in the pen near the doaka. (So not the pen in the village)
At one of the three temples, the Talans are clearing away a rock
fall; go and see their leader, he will talk about dynamite, go and
put a stick of dynamite next to the rocks at the top of the stairs;
give the Talans the time to leave and then detonate it.
Now that you have cleared away the fallen rocks, go and inform the
Later in the game:
Ezef, brother of Yagu, is one of the Talans working on the rock fall
at one of the temples near the well of power. When you go to
Talanzaar, Yagu will ask you to go and see his brother in Shamazaar.
If you have received the second holocall from Marion, you know that
she is imprisoned beyond the barrier in northeast Shamazaar.
The Talans will call you from elsewhere to inform you of this.
Therefore, you must cross this barrier and attack the two towers.
In one of the two towers there is a closed door. You must first go to
the other tower, cross the small bridge and press the button that is
located in the small room on the other side.
This button opens the door to the other tower.
You must then go back to the other tower and cross the small bridge:
this will set off a video sequence.
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