Worm before heading across this cliff face. It's just a matter of timing. Then climb up and jump to the right. Go to the right and kill the two Spider first. Climb up as far as you can and go to the right into the next screen. Kill the Spider. Climb up at the left side and shoot the Shadowbat. Climb down and go just above the lava a little to the right. When the lava stops spurting, quickly go to the right. In the next screen, keep on waiting until the lava stops spurting and then head for the platform at the right side. Jump at the platform. Kill the three Shadowb. After you have killed them, shoot the brown egg through the small gap to the right and fire a Super Blast at it to make it grow. Then climb back to the previous screen.© Be careful about the lava spurts! Climb up at the left side and go to the right until you can't go any further. Jump to the right at the platform in the middle of the screen (it looks like a niche). Then jump to the next platform at the right. Walk to the right until you reach the tree. Jump into the tree and climb up until you reach the top of it. Two more Shadowbats will swoop in. If you are quick enough, you don't have to kill them. Just quickly jump out of the tree to the left and keep climbing to the left. When you can't go any further to the left, climb up and go to the right... © © Level Six , Caverns of Doom
You have to move fast to survive here. Quickly jump off the pillar to the right and drop down the hole in the floor. Step to your right and drop down the next hole. Quickly turn around, duck and shoot at the seed and grow it, to stop the pillar from smashing ... Далее >>