the other Shadows, step out quickly and shoot a couple of them, then jump back into safety before the Slog shoots. When you killed the Shadows, kill the Slog. Walk right into the next screen and start shooting When all the Shadows are dead, jump across the gap and step on the pink blob. Jump onto the center column of bricks and grab hold. Climb on the chains and drop between the pink triggers. Step on the trigger to the right and the gate on your left will open. Kill all the Shadows. Step on the trigger to the left and the gate on the right will open. Kill both Armor Slogs. Now run all the way to the left and climb down the ladder. Press the button you find down there and return to the column of bricks, climb up and head to the right. Kill the Shadow then grow the seed. Climb up. Kill the next Shadow then jump off and head to the left. Open the gate and kill the Shadow. Step over to the ladder and shoot all the Shadows on the ceiling. When they are all dead, it is safe to go up and kill both Armor Slogs. Head to the right. Do not step on the pink trigger under the first column. Kill the Shadow hiding across the columns. Now memorize the timing. After both columns drop together, jump over the pink trigger, and start running as soon as you land. Carefully enter the next screen. Kill the four Worms before you proceed down the chains. Kill the Shadow at the bottom then drop to the floor. Push the button on the wall, then climb up and jump left. Start shooting now! Kill the Shadow and press the button. Exit at the right. Jump of the platform, push the button again and climb all the way up. On top of the wall, jump to the left and walk all the back to the left until you reach the chain again. Step on the chain and jump down. Walk to the right until you reach the brick wall again. ... Далее >>