
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 17 Текущая : 16

here. Exit to the left and head up the ladder.
Kill all the Armor Slogs at the top of this area. Head to the top
level and exit to the right.
Shoot the second piece onto the first platform. Exit to the left,
head down to the lower level, and go back. Now shoot the piece
onto the second platform. Exit to the left, head up and back
again. Finally, shoot the piece down the chute. Bring the piece
all the way out to the Vicious Servant again.
Now to collect the final piece. Exit to the right and keep going
back toward the beginning. Kill any enemies along the way then
drop down the hole. Fight your way down and drop through the hole
next hole.
Kill the two Armor Slogs and head to the right. Stop on the bridge
and kill all the Shadows then head right again.
Kill all the Shadows. This time the Master will appear and shoot
fireballs at you. You must do a double jump to escape these and
then move along quickly to the right. It helps if you jump a
little early. When the bridge is clear, head to the right.
Kill all the Shadows and the Armor Slogs that appear, all while
dodging the fireballs from the Master. When the bridge is clear,
run out to the right. Grab the final piece.
To escape, you'll have to fight within the Heart of Darkness. Two
new types of Ghosts will appear in the darkness. Hit them with
your gun to kill them. When you hit the biggest one, step aside
quickly, or you will be killed by the falling hand! When you have
killed all the Ghosts, a light beam will appear from the left.
Well, that's it!
If you want to see the last scenes in real 3D,©© just put on the
magic glasses that game with the game. Enjoy the show...
... Далее >>

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