left across the bone and climb up... © © Level Two , Swamp Lands
Walk to the right and stand under the vine that is dangling down. Jump up and grab the vine. Walk to the right until the edge of the swamp. Jump on the first stone in the swamp. Then carefully jump on the second stone and walk to the right carefully. Jump in and grab the vine as the vine is the closest to you. Jump down on the stone in the swamp. Wait for the Vine Snake to eat a glowing moth and then jump over him on the green leave in the swamp. Then climb up ashore and go to the right. Go to the far right of the rock. Jump in and grab the first vine. Then jump into the second vine and jump via the gray "rock" that is in the swamp to the other side. Go to the right and hop into the water. To escape the Shadowbats, you need to wade out into the deep water and duck down when they dive at you. Each time they dive, get up and head right to the next deep spot. As soon as you reach dry land, go ashore and the bats will be burned by the beam of sunlight. Go to the right until you reach the stone bridge. At the middle of the bridge, climb up to the first ledge. Jump to the right upon the ledge and walk to the right end of it. To the right you will see a black vine with green sparkling spots on it. Jump to the vine and grab it. Walk to the right into the cave of the snake. As soon as the snake is eating, head to the right and stand under the green sac, then jump up into it three times to release more "bait." Quickly leave the cave and head back to the left until you are standing on the middle of the bridge again. Now climb to the ... Далее >>