
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 17 Текущая : 15

Now you will make a smooth landing on... the big fellow that eat
your hole equipment at the beginning of your adventure!
Level Eight , Heart of Darkness

Well, there you are. Swallowed by that huge guy! After some
research, Andy finds back his hole equipment. Just fire a few
shots to set yourself free!
Head to the right. Kill all the Shadows. Go to the right and kill
the Slogs.The easiest way to do this is to duck down and keep on
shooting on them and their remains. When they are dead, climb up
and head to the right.
Kill all the Shadowbats. Drop down, then run over to the button
and push it. Exit left again, then return by way of the upper
platforms and exit to the right.
Drop down and kill the Armor Stog. Exit to the right, kill the
Shadow, then head up and exit right again.
Stop and talk to the Vicious Servant, then exit to the right to
find all the pieces of the magic rock. Kick or shoot the first
piece back to the Vicious Servant and return to the right. Now you
can climb up the center column.
Crawl into the passage to your left and start shooting. When the
way is clear, continue and exit to the left. Go through the hole
and find the second piece. Bring it back to this area by kicking
or shooting it down the holes. You do have to stand on the last
trigger plate while you shoot the rock under the column. Take the
piece all the way back to the Vicious Servant. Go once more to the
right and go upward.
Notice the Shadow crawling along the bottom row, triggering the
columns. Climb up and exit to the right. Kill the two Armor Slogs
... Далее >>

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