
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 40 Текущая : 18

the hotel, board the taxi and leave for Algiers.


After slogging in from the airport by foot, you arrive in a busy part of the
market. Look at the sign and climb the stairs. Closed. Oh, well, go back down.
Go east and Indy refuses. Talk to the beggar. Interesting, but no help. Since
Indy will not bother the two citizens, go west; and since Indy again refuses
to enter the city (west), try the alley. A souvenir shop. Talk to the store-
keeper. Give the business card to Paul Abdul. Disregard Paul's instruction not
to follow when he leaves, and leave as soon as you can.

Now, Indy will enter the city. A map will appear. In the animated sequence
that now starts, follow the red fez figure. He will lead you to Omar's
house. The location of the house will change with each game.

Entering, Indy listens to the conversation, but moving around will promptly
precipitate a fight. Fight Horst. Don't forget to save your game before
fighting, just in case you lose; otherwise, you will have to replay from your
last save (Note 1).

After defeating Horst, Omar leaves. Look at and pick up various items: Bamboo
stick, Blackbird statue, Soapstone statue, and Hanging cloth. Aha! That hang-
ing cloth is the map Omar mentioned. But you cannot reach it. Okay, use the
stick to get the cloth map. You don't want to go back into the streets, so,
what about that camel? Ride a camel? Why not? Hop out the window and use the


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