will make certain he will pay for his misdeeds. The professor should be
convinced he can not risk Indy becoming a god but should use the machine on
himself instead.
(If you have Sophia with you, skip the next paragraph.)
Sophia enters at this point, clearly under the influence of Nur-Ab-Sal. She
insists on using the machine for herself and is transformed, kills Ubermann,
manifests as Nur-Ab-Sal and then disintegrates. Indy, but not Sophia, wins
the day! Skip the next paragraph.
By convincing Ubermann to use the machine on himself, Indy and Sophia win the
Indy and Sophia saw Atlantis with their own eyes but no evidence is left. The
use of the "god" making machine has disturbed the earth's crust. Atlantis
erupts as a volcano and then sinks back into the sea...the Fate of Atlantis.
свои впечатления на another_one@rambler.ru