Go east to where the boulder is wedged in the doorway. Use stalactite. Follow
the boulder's path, and look at poor Arnold! Get the amber fish. Use fish. It
points at you. An Orichalcum detector? Close the gold box, and use the fish.
It does not point anywhere.
Go west. The Map Room! Notice the spindle in the center of the rings. But you
only have two stones. Back to the labyrinth.
Go east. Go through the rooms and use the amber fish in each until you find a
room where it points down. Look into the pit. Too dark. Talk to the pit
(Note 3). Use your whip. Sophia climbs out. And she found a Worldstone. Talk.
Return to the Map Room. Put all three stones onto the spindle. Align the
stones (Note 2). Darkness covers the horns. Full Moon covers Darkness.
Glorious sun blazing upon a western sea. But do not forget the contrary
minds. Reverse the Worldstone to East sea. You should now have an open
northwest door.
Go northwest. The sea! You are out of the labyrinth. Look at the pointer.
Head for Thera.
Talk to Sophia. Talk to captain. Hm. The diving suit has a hole. After
talking, head east to the path. Look at the island scenery. Notice a gap in
mountain, notch in mountain, and a cleft in mountain. The next part is
variable: walk to each or until you come upon a truck and a vent. Find and
pick up the tire repair kit. Return to Sophia. Talk to Sophia. Return to the
salvage boat.
Look at the Lost Dialogue. Note the direction and distance to the Lesser
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