Walk to the canal. Distract the octopus by feeding it the trapped crab. Walk
over to the raft and climb aboard. Use orichalcum in the crab-like raft
mouth. Use the Sunstone on the spindle above the gate to open the gate to the
left. Use the Moonstone for the next gate. Stop at the landing. Climb the
stairs and walk through the doorway. Pick up the crescent shaped gear, close
the cupboard and look very carefully at the diagram. You will need to refer to
this later.
Return to the raft and float to the next gate. Use the Worldstone to open
it. Stop at the next landing. Walk through the archway.
Use the ladder to climb up the robot statue. Open the chest plate and look
inside. Place the bronze spoked wheel on the center peg and place the robot
part on top of it. Put the crescent shaped gear on both of the right hand
pegs. Place the bronze gear on the upper left peg. Place a bead of orichalcum
on the center peg. Climb down the ladder, and attach one end of the chain to
the arm, now moved forward. Attach the other end of the chain to the loop on
the door.
Move the arm backward by moving the bronze gear to the lower left peg and
feeding it another bead of orichalcum. The door will now open. Pick up the
hinge pin, that is lying on the floor, and pick up the ladder.
There is a decision to make at this point. You may go back and rescue Sophia
or you may go on with out her. Skip the next paragraph if you do not wish to
rescue Sophia.
Return to Sophia. Give Sophia the hinge pin. Pick up the cage door and have
Sophia wedge the door open with the hinge pin. Lift the cage door and pick up
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