wondering why in the world he didn║╞t keep the amulet with him!) Go to Arthur Blake║╞s house. Ask him to call Melanie. Go to Scotland Yard. The chief is, of course, screaming, but go and talk to him (all topics) Go in your office. Use the magnifier glass on your answering machine. Oh, Joy! You got 6 messages! Including one from your mother║╜ (Yay║╜.) set the machine on message no. 5. Click on the loud speaker of the phone and dial 196 (Larry║╞s extension) Click on the play button on the answering machine. If the timing is correct, Larry will ║╟speak║╠ with the screaming chief. Go to Larry║╞s office (empty now) and pick the scissors from his desk. Use in your inventory. Use the scissors on the notepad (AFTER you combine the notepad with the purple form plus the cardboard paper plus the white form for stationeries. Brent will cut the extra carbon paper. (All THIS just to CUT that &%*?@ carbon paper!!!) Go and do some small talk with Janet (if you go directly to the chief║╞s office, you won║╞t be able to enter because Larry is there!! After some useless conversation with Janet, go to the chief║╞s ... Далее >>