to the front entrance. The guards run to the bush, towards the main entrance to investigate the noise. Click on the bush at the left of Melanie (towards the open window) DO NOT GO DIRECTLY TO THE WINDOW (if you do so, the guards will catch you no matter how fast you are) Once hidden behind the second bush, click on the directional button in front of the open window. Melanie will climb up (it will probably take several tries to succeed this.) You find yourself in Sinclair║╞s study room. Look to the altar. Look to the left picture on the wall. Look to the bines and skulls in the left cupboard. Look at the paperweight (a skull, no surprise here║╜) on Sinclair║╞s desk (Melanie will say she cannot take it with her because it is too heavy) Look the pentagram on the window newt to the wall. Click on the little men figures around the pentagram until the standing one (it║╞s in the lower middle, at 6 o║╞clock) click on the internal ring until the black bead is directed towards the standing man (at 6 o║╞clock) A crack is heard. Use the magnifier glass again on the picture on the left. Click on it and it ... Далее >>