topics. Go out. -Room two: The meat store. Nothing to do here. -|Room three: Next room on the right of the tapestry on the right of the boat is a monk║╞s room. Nothing to do here either. Go out and go straight through the door at the end of the corridor. You will reach a big blue hall with a locked gate on the right. Look at the two heavy locks. Go to the furthest left corner. You will enter another corridor. -Room four: First room on the left is the candle deposit. Pick some candles from the pile on the floor. Go out. On the corridor║╞s wall left from room four there is a tapestry with a war scene. -Room five: Next room on the left of the tapestry is a monk║╞s room with a fire lit in the fireplace and a basket opposite the fireplace. Go out and continue on the corridor. -Room six: It║╞s another Monk║╞s room. -Room seven: The room at the bottom of the corridor is Serstan║╞s room. Speak with him all topics. At the end of the conversation he will throw you out. But don║╞t despair and re-enter the room and speak with him some more. He will throw you out again. Insist and re-enter. Do so until he allows you to look ... Далее >>