Pick some hot water from the cauldron with the wooden bowl (however does she put it in HER POCKET?! It║╞s full of hot water!) *In you inventory you now have a: A green plant: Menthol. An unknown plant: Yellow. A cinnamon plant: Red A fleshy, herbaceous plant: Brown, but it║╞s rather green. An Aniseed plant: Blue, but this one also looks green. A spongy plant: Lilac, rather brownish.
Go outside and speak with the soldiers (all topics) Offer them to make a love drink. Go one moment in the kitchen and use the small metal plate of the scale. Return to the soldiers and speak to them. Take a coin from the bag on the floor just behind the chatty soldier. Go back in the kitchen and use the magnifier glass on the scale. Use the coin with the metal plate on the right. You will weigh out the plants since the coin is one once. Each once of plant should be added to the water separately immediately after weighing. You must put: 2 ounces of the red plant (cinnamon), 2 ounces of yellow plant (unknown plant), 1 ounce of the blue plant (aniseed). Now the water in the bowl becomes clear again and the potion is ready. Go to the soldiers and make them drink. ... Далее >>