Advanced users
Console Commands
These can be entered during the game by typing them in the console. The default key to bring down the console is <`>(the tilde key ~). The following is a list of all available Counter Strike specific console commands
Server Options:
These types of commands are generally called CVARS. The following CVARS are only accessible by the server. To find the status of a CVAR, enter its name. To change it, enter its name, leave a space, and then enter the new value. Note: some of these do not take effect until the round restarts.
mp_startmoney (default 800)
Sets the amount of money players start with.
mp_logdetail (default 0)
Bitwise cvar to set the level of detail for logging attacks (bit 0: log enemy attacks, bit 1: log teammate attacks).
mp_fadetoblack (default 0)
When set to 1, player's screen fades to black for the remainder of the round when he dies (hud still works normally so player can chat and see the scores, etc.) Overrides mp_forcechasecam
mp_buytime (default 1.5)
Designate the desired amount of buy time for each round. Min buy time is .5 minutes. No max buy time.
mp_winlimit (default 0)
Will cycle the map after one team reaches this many wins.
mp_limitteams (default 2)
Maximum number of players that one team can have over the other. To entirely disable team limiting, set to 0.
sv_restartround (default 0 sec)
Time until the game restarts fresh, or 0 to not restart. This will reset all frags, scores, weapons and money to default. Use this to coordinate clan matches.
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