mp_flashlight (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable the use of flashlights, 0 to disable.
mp_tkpunish 0/1
if set to 1, TK'ers will sit out next round
mp_hostagepenalty X
X = max. number of hostages you can kill before the server boots you out... setting this to 0 will shut off this command
mp_logmessages 0/1
used for server admins to spit out chat messages in their log files
mp_forcechasecam 0/1/2
When set to 2, not allowed to spectate anyone...player's view stays where the player dies. When set to 1 only allowed to spectate player's own team when player dies. Default 0.
Client Options:
Anyone can use these to alter their personal settings.
cl_observercrosshair (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable crosshairs in Observer mode, 0 to disable.
cl_hidefrags (default 1)
Set to 1 to hide all frag/death counts on the Scoreboard but your own, 0 to show.
hud_centerid (default 0)
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