d) "Dropped_The_Bomb"
e) "Got_The_Bomb"
f) "Became_VIP"
g) "Escaped_As_VIP"
h) "Round_Start"
i) "Round_End"
Bug Fixes:
- "Out of ammo" hint message fixed
- "Punished for tk" hint message fixed
- "Through floor" death animation fixed
New/Changed CVARS:
Toggles what information players see in the status bar
0 everyone: players see all names listed in the status bar (with appropriate
team colors)
1 team only: players only see names for their teammates and hostages in the
status bar
2 off: players do not see any names in the status bar (hostages included)
0 is the default
mp_fadetoblack (overrides mp_forcechasecam)
0 nothing
1 player's screen fades to black for the remainder of the round when he dies
(hud still works normally so player can chat and see the scores, etc.)
0 is the default
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