- altered money bonuses for rescuing hostages :
- added cs_station, de_nuke, de_dust, de_prodigy
- modified cs_ship, cs_siege, cs_docks, cs_tire, cs_facility
- automatic flashbang .wav added back
- new, closer rescue points added to cs_ship, cs_siege, cs_tire
- new ammo system, primary and secondary (less mind boggling)
BETA 3.1
- Bullet penetration bug fixed
- Radio .wav's now have lower volume
- Removed automatic .wav's (death, flashbang)
- Disorientation system changed
- Added "ignoreradio" command to only ignore .wav's
- Flashbang Shrapnel altered
BETA 3.0
- Added a knife weapon for those last resort situations
- Added a kevlar+helmet combination
- *GREATLY* improved hostage path AI
- Added concussion grenades which shoot out shrapnel as well as a bright flash
- Added a new weapon, the Fabrique Nationale P90 submachine gun
- Added a radio system
- Modified the scoreboard
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