BETA 1.2
- 5 second "molasses period" at the start of all rounds to dissuade rushing tactics
- kick option added
- Refined the prices for some of the gunS
- made the kevlar MUCH more effective (it now covers people's arms)
- made jumping and shooting MUCH more inaccurate for all the guns
- added a $16,000 salary cap
- tweaked the bonus money awards.
- tweaked the flashbangs effectiveness
BETA 1.1
- greatly improved server stability, crashes should be eliminated
- primary servers will now work with CS
- fixed the ammo and armour reset bugs
- balanced the economic system a bit
- added new firing mode for the glock18
- enabled 'mp_friendlyfire' command for server admins
- fixed map rotation
- adds two new maps: cs_assault & cs_desert
- cs_siege fixes
- cs_wpndepot fixes
BETA 1.0
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