on the right is empty, but the one on the left has the switch needed to unlock the doors and a Engineer who carries a Hypo spray. Kill the Engineer and take his Hypo. Shinatama will contact you and tell you about the 'overpower' effect. Unlock the green-white diamond doors with the console. If you go through the door on the floor you are on, the only thing you'll find is some ballistic ammo. Get that and then go back up the stairs you came down and through the other door you unlocked.
You notice a dead man on the floor, and when you walk up to him you realise it's Chung, the man you were supposed to meet. After a chat with Griffin, pick up Chung's datapad to find out about the whearabouts ofyour next mission, the Musashi Manufacturing plant.
But the mission isn't over yet. Shinatama gives you a new objective: find the warehouse manager. There's a Striker in one of the rooms (the one without the green light next to it) near to Chung's corpse, so dispose of him and get a Hypo spray as a reward. The stairs in this area will take you to a ... Далее >>