kill him and keep going. When you reach the end (and a locked door) turn around and run down the other side of the path until you reach the room. Pull the switch which will unlock the door which is where you have to go to next. Go through the door, and kill the female striker in the room. There's a mercury bow on the floor, and I suggest you pick it up as it comes in very useful. Leave through the other exit, and climb the stairs onto the top of this wall. A striker with a machine gun will attack you. Run down to the other end of the wall, where there will be a switch that unlocks the door up ahead. Pull the switch and go through the door. A civilian in the next room will give you a hypo, take it off him and go through the door into the new area where a striker will attack you.
Run until you reach the end of the path turn left and continue running. Follow the compass data to the switch that you need to activate, it's quite far away but not hard to find. Just keep running straight and turning at the corners, killing any strikers that attack you. Once you get to the switch, activate it ... Далее >>