hard to kill them.
After you've done that, take a look around the reception area to get your bearings. There are 4 doors, 2 locked and 2 unlocked. There is also a staircase with leads to another door, which is locked too.
The unlocked door near the staircase has one man inside, who will give you some ballistic ammo when killed. The other unlocked door has two Engineers, a locked door and also an important switch. Push the switch to open the locked door in this room, and another door back in the reception area. Go back to the reception area and through the door you just unlocked to find a Engineer who drops a hypo spray when killed. Pick it up. Then go back and through the other door you unlocked, and go to the other side of the room and through that door. There will be two enemies in this room, and one of them tries to call for help by setting off an alarm. Kill him before he gets the chance, and then deal with the other man.
Leave the room and down the area with the alarm console in it, and ... Далее >>