Shinatama will inform you that the truck is trying to escape from the building and that there's no way you can get in it. You now have to find a way to stop the truck from leaving the building. You have a 3 minutes (which you can see in the bottom right of the screen) to stop the truck. A couple of Strikers instantly attack you, and one is armed with a pulse rifle. Take it if you want. Follow the compass data until you get to the stairs (it's almost a mirror copy of how you got down to the ground floor, but this time you are going up) killing the Engineers and Strikers along the way. Eventually, you'll reach a switch which you have to activate. Watch the movie and relax because you've just completed your first real level of Oni!
-------------------------- 3. Manufacturing Plant --------------------------
You start the level being ambushed by 3 Strikers in the reception area. You've got two other TCTF agents to help you out, so it shouldn't be very ... Далее >>