Inside the next room, a female striker armed with a VDG pistol will be hiding. Lure her out and then kill her. Leave this room and then go down the next staircase, killing any enemies you meet, until you reach the ground floor. Head through the door at the end, and into a room with two strikers in it. You've got to disable to power grid again in this room, so pull the switch and run across it as you did the times before. Remember to wait for the blue pulses to thin down a little before you commence running across it. This time, a striker will start running across the pipe from the other side towards you. He's quite thick, and will often fall of before he's even reached you. If he does manage to get to you, hit him a couple of times and knock him off. When you reach the other side, two strikers will instantly attack you. Kill them, and head through the door in this room.
There are many strikers in this area, make sure you keep an eye out for them. What you have to do is run up the floors, taking the staircases, until you reach the floor that's second to top. In the room on this floor is ... Далее >>