Engineer. The Engineer will run up the stairs and activate an alarm if he sees you, so chase him and kill him before he gets the chance. In the same room as the alarm is the switch to unlock the door. Unlock the door and go down the stairs and through it to the next area. You will encounter a Engineer, and two doors. One of them leads to some stairs, which you don't need to go down. The other is the one that you have to go through to continue. In this room, you DO need to go up the stairs (not down) where you'll see a Striker attacking a civilian. Kill the agent and the civilian will tell you that the warehouse manager is upstairs. He'll also open the locked doors near you. Go through the doors after they've been unlocked. You'll enter on the top floor of a huge new area, and a Engineer will attack you. Kill the Engineer and go down the stairs, which are at the edge of the floor you are on. When you get to the bottom of the stairs, run to the other side of the room, killing the Engineer along the way, and go down the other set of stairs to reach the bottom floor of the building. There will be two Engineers that assault you, dispose of them and run over to the ... Далее >>