Function: draw_tint
Usage: (draw_tint tint)
Returns: dunno
Draws the object with some sort of spiffy palette stuff happening,
I guess. Haven't messed with it (dunno).
Function: draw_transparent
Usage: (draw_transparent count max)
Returns: dunno
Draws the object as some sort of a semi-solid filter. I have no
idea what the two parameters do as I haven't messed with it at all
(dunno). I haven't had a chance to play around with what [count]
and [max] do yet. :(
Object Function: direction
Usage: (direction)
Returns: -1 or +1 (the value of direction)
The game engine uses an objects direction to determine whether or
not it's image should be flipped horizontally when drawn (that's
a guess). 1 means facing right (the default), -1 means facing
left. You can change the direction of this object with the
(set_direction) function.
Object Function: facing
Usage: (facing)
Returns T or nil
Returns whether or not the current object is facing the (bg).
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