Object Function: picture_height
Usage: (picture_height)
Returns: Int
Use (picture_height) to return the height of the current frame
of this object. Is useful for centering, formatting, etc. If
I wanted to center along the y, I might do
(let ((oldy (y)))
(set_y (+ y (/ (picture_height) 2)))
(set_y oldy)
Object Function: picture_width
Usage: (picture_width)
Returns: Int
Returns the width of the current frame of this object. Is not as
useful as picture_height, as you can specify the home x location of
an object in satan paint, but I suppose it may come in handy
Object Function: platform_push
Usage: (platform_push x y)
Returns: dunno
I assume this moves the player by amount [x] [y] as if they were on
a platform. This really could be done in lisp, but I guess was
compiled for speed. Oh well.
Function: play_sound
Usage: (play_sound sound_class volume x y)
Returns: dunno
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