Object Function: tint_palette
Usage: (tint_palette r_ramp g_ramp b_ramp)
Returns: dunno
Tweaks the ENTIRE palette by ramping up the RGB values of all the
entries. What's more, the palette STAYS that way until you
make another call to tint_palette. You can get some neat effects
with this, if you try.
Object Function: total_lights
Usage: (total_lights)
Returns: Number of lights
(total_lights) returns the number of lights linked to this object.
NOT the number of total lights in the world or other such nonsense.
Object Function: total_objects
Usage: (total_objects)
Returns: Number of objects
Returns the total number of objects linked to the current object.
Object Function: touching_bg
Usage: (touching_bg)
Returns: T or nil
Determines whether or not the current object's frame is overlapping
the nearest player's frame. Would be cool for a landmine object or
Object Function: toward
Usage: (toward)
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