Stops the action for [how_long] ticks or until the user presses a
mouse button. Those little training messages do a
(with_object (bg) (freeze_player 100)) in their ai functions.
Function: game_tick
Usage: (game_tick)
Returns: the game time.
Returns the absolute game time, in ticks. Or something. I guess
you can use it for one of those par-time like things in DOOM, or
if you need something to happen every n ticks:
(eq (mod (game_tick) n) 0).
Function: gc
Usage: (gc)
Returns: dunno
Turns on garbage collection.
Object Function: get_ability
Usage: (get_ability ability)
Returns: whatever ability
The (get_ability) function is used to retrieve the value of
[ability] set in the (def_char) for this object. As far as I know,
you can't change the value of an ability. For example, you could
do a (get_ability top_run_speed).
Object Function: get_light
Usage: (get_light n)
Returns: a light object
Use this function to get the [n]th light linked to you. Such as:
(eq (light_r2 (get_light 0)) 100). You can set the r2 or a light
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