Snare of Delay 600 7 Slow (3)
Soulful Sax 800 4 Soul Shield (4)
Strings of Seduction 15000 3 Turncoat (3)
Succubus Song 15000 18 Lifesteal (3)
Viola D'Amore 275 3 Charm (3)
Возможности алхимика
Алхимик может смешивать равные количества исходных реагентов (например, берете 4 Light Heals, жмете на кнопку объединения, выбираете 4 Moderate Heals. В результате получите 4 Heavy Heals).
1-й реагент 2-й реагент Результат Скилл
Light Heal Mod Heal Heavy Heal 15
Mod Heal Mod Stamina Pickmeup 20
Poison Reduction Light Heal Cure Poison 30
Stink bomb Boom bomb Acid bomb
Heavy Heal Cure Light Cond Cure Disease
Ice bomb Fire bomb Canned Elemental
Light Heal Bless Guardian Angel
Sneeze Powder Flash Powder Pandemonium Powder
Dust of Dessication Concussion Powder Skeleton Powder
Magic Nectar Renewal Resurrection Powder
Mod. Heal Mod. Stamina Pickmeup
Rotten Meat Faerie Dust Drugged Meat
Short Gooda Vine Short Gooda Vine Gooda Vine Rope
Heavy Heal Cure Disease Potion of Renewal
Heavy Heal Heavy Stam Potion of Renewal
Heavy Heal Cure Disease Potion of Restoration
Heavy Heal Heavy Stamina Potion of Restoration
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