++AUTHOR'S NOTE: I encourage you to use Quick/Speed Kills rather than
melee combat. If you're stuck in an area with enemies and think there
is an alternative method for the Quick Kill, there probably is one.
This Walkthrough will map out EVERY Quick Kill opportunity, so read on!
The descent into madness begins. All over again.
Roll under the door and head left. Run up the large baskets and jump
from ledge to ledge. Use a wall run to reach the next area. From there,
run up the wall and shimmy on up to the top.
Drop down and use the ladder. Slide down and then head to the next
area. As you head down the way, look for the pole to grab onto. Jump
from pole to pole to the ledge up on top.
Head down the ledge and hop over the railing. Jump to the pole and then
turn around to jump to a ledge to shimmy.
Shimmy over and jump down. Now do a wall run all the way to the end and
then jump up and shimmy to the left. Jump over the ledge and to the
Water Fountain Save Point.
... Далее >>