/_/ /_//_//___/ /_/ /___//_/ /_//_/ /____//___/
Access the Rotation Handle and rotate it until the water is drained in
the room. Fight off two shadow enemies and then look up. See that
broken pillar? Run up the wall and jump towards it and climb up. Jump
to the next broken pillar and climb up. Jump the large gap to the
ledge. There is a hard to see swing pole across from you. Make a long
jump to access it.
Get on top of the pole and jump up to the top pole. Swing and jump to
the poles on the other side.
See that opening on the wall with the green curtain? That's the room to
the Health Upgrade. Swing and jump towards it. Wall Run to the curtain
and slide down and jump to the next curtain. Head down the corridor to
the Golden Water Fountain. Drink the water to access the mini-game.
Use a Wall Run and use continuous shutter jumps until the Prince grabs
hold of a broken pillar all the way at the other end. From there, use
timed jumps from pillar to pillar until you reach the ledge. Now walk
into the light for the health upgrade!
Now exit the area and climb up the wall and step on the switch and
enter the door to end up back in the room with the drained water. Make
your way up there again but this time, ignore the room and head for
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