Quickly grab the large basket in the corner and drag it to the other
area (do not break any pots!). Climb out of there to the top ledge.
Cross the beam and jump the gap to the stab square. Now Wall Run and
shutter jump two times and then stab the last square. Wait patiently
and then initiate the Double Kill when prompted. Now go to the Bronze
Slit in the corner and stab it. CUTSCENE.
After the cutscene, drag the large basket to one of the switches and
then step on the other one to open the door. Now exit out of this area.
Turn right and climb up the ladder. Run up the wall and stab the square
and jump up. Shimmy left and climb up to the top.
Wall run and shutter jump to the square and stab it. Wall run to the
ledge and shimmy right. Jump the gap and stab the square. Wall run and
jump to the beam. Make another long jump to the next beam and then jump
the gap to the stab square. Wall Run and shutter jump twice and then
stab the square. Now Wall Run and jump to the beam.
Jump to the next stab square and then Wall Run to the next area. Head
down the hall and access the Water Fountain.
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