until you get to the end.
See that ladder? Jump from that ledge to reach that area. Take the
ladder down but wait for the enemy below to walk away. Use a Quick Kill
and then continue down the corner. Fight off the next guard (or don't)
and then use a wall run and jump. Shimmy up and onto the next area.
Climb up the ladder and turn left. Wall run to the curtain and slide
down. Fight off the three guards (or don't) then head into the shack
they emerged from. Climb up the ladder ad jump to the next ladder (turn
around) and head up. Run up the wall and jump to the ledge. Jump to the
ladder and head up to the next area.
Jump down and head for the door. There is a ledge next to the door so
jump up to it. Jump up and use the wall run to the next ledge. Start
the Quick kill on the Archer. Once he's dead, head for the ladder and
slide down.
Here's your first chance to use the environment for a Quick Kill! After
sliding down the ladder, use First Person view to see ledges on top.
Run up to those ledges and jump from each one. When prompted, start the
Quick kill on the first guard. After that, sneak up on the Archer and
do the same to him. Jump over the ledge the Archer was guarding and
head for the ladder. Go up and over the ledge to find the Water
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