long corridor to end up at a dead end. Run up the wall on the right to
grab the ledge. Climb up and shimmy left. Jump the gap, shimmy right,
and drop down twice. Shimmy right, drop down, shimmy right, jump up
twice to the top. Step on the switch to exit the area.
Now make the leap to the swing bar and swing to the next one. Shimmy
left and then swing to the next swing pole. Drop down twice, shimmy
right, and then swing and jump twice to reach the ledge.
Run up the wall and climb up four ledges. Jump the gap to the swing
pole and then rotate the camera to see a set of stab squares. Shimmy to
the right and swing and jump to the double set of stab squares and stab
it. Jump and stab, Wall Run and stab, jump to the swing pole to the
next stab square and stab, Wall Run and jump to the swing pole to the
top of the area.
Now destroy the blocked exit and destroy the enemies. Jump the gap and
access the Water Fountain.
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